Smart &
Smartly manage your dairy business with DJS Dairy: dairy milk management app.
It provides below features :
User Friendly:
It has a simple but feature Interface that provides 20+ functions to perform.
1.view single client entries
2.view Single day entries
3.view transaction history
4.view client detail amount
6.add client
7.edit client data
8.edit entry
9.delete entry
10.delete client
11.set rates and many more...
Super Fast
It stores data in local storage, so it's too fast.
we can set a password on its particulars functions before action, so it's completely secure.
Print or Save
save as PDF feature, and also can take a Print through the printer
Full Customisation
It's fully customization here, we can set "Dairy Name, Milk, fat rates, themes, and many more...